Leasing de Niveleuse XCMG gr1803 Used Road Machinery Motor Grader for Sale occasion, 2016 - ID: 8878063

Crédit-bail d'un XCMG gr1803 Used Road Machinery Motor Grader for Sale

XCMG gr1803 Used Road Machinery Motor Grader for Sale en leasing occasion

Publié: 7mois 12jour(s)

XCMG gr1803 Used Road Machinery Motor Grader for Sale en leasing occasion XCMG gr1803 Used Road Machinery Motor Grader for Sale
XCMG gr1803 Used Road Machinery Motor Grader for Sale en leasing occasion XCMG gr1803 Used Road Machinery Motor Grader for Sale
XCMG gr1803 Used Road Machinery Motor Grader for Sale en leasing occasion XCMG gr1803 Used Road Machinery Motor Grader for Sale
XCMG gr1803 Used Road Machinery Motor Grader for Sale en leasing occasion XCMG gr1803 Used Road Machinery Motor Grader for Sale
XCMG gr1803 Used Road Machinery Motor Grader for Sale en leasing occasion XCMG gr1803 Used Road Machinery Motor Grader for Sale
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Publié: 7mois 12jour(s)


Année de fabrication


15400000 kg

8900 mm

2625 mm

3420 mm

China, Xuzhou City, China
puissance du moteur

188 CV
Plus d'information

XCMG GR1803 Used Road Machinery Motor Grader For Sale

The motor grader is mainly used for ground leveling, ditching, slope scraping, bulldozing, scarification, snow removal for large areas such as highway, airports, farmlands etc. It is the necessary construction machinery for national defense construction, mine construction, urban and rural road construction and water conservancy construction, farmland improvement and so on.

Energy saving and noise reduction

Adopt low speed engine transmission line, low fuel consumption and energy saving and environmental protection; The transmission system is equipped with low speed ratio, and the average fuel consumption is reduced by about 8%. Three levels of engine, cab and seat vibration reduction; The cab is supported by six points; Deceleration of engine, cooling fan with large diameter, sound absorption sponge inside the hood, good sealing of the cab reduces noise of the whole machine.

Strong power

Shangchai efficient China stage III engine and hydraulic torque converter, the optimal torque converter achieves the best matching of torque converter and engine, reducing the start time, increase the work of torque output at low speed, strong and powerful. The optional herringbone tread tires, the adhesion can be increased by 10% in loosing soil and leveling, further enhance the power output.

Efficient operation

Improves the displacement of hydraulic pump and hydraulic motor, increase the oil cylinder speed by 20%, realizes the industry leading work efficiency, the optimized blade shape can turn and remove the soil quickly and efficiently, and realize optimal load distribution and the minimum material accumulation within the rotary discarea.

Advantages and highlights:

1.Offer Test Report of Professional Institute.

2.Details Of Maintenance And Repair Items Included.

3.Price Concessions.

4.Official Factory Sourcing.

5.Reconditioning Directly From XCMG.

6.Vehicle Condition of Perfection.

7.XCMG Official Endorsement.

8.SGS Provides The Third-Party Inspection Certificate.

Calculer votre financement

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